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To anybody using a credit rating of 700 or higher, paydayloans may seem like nothing more than highway robbery. And, when things are viewed, online cash advance companies do charge hefty fees for your services they offer
Yes, anybody will need to pay roughly $50 to borrow $250 for 2 weeks, but does that c-note compare to the lost pay and financial hardship that would be suffered as long as they lose their job? Whenever you ponder over it over these terms and don"t forget why these cash advance companies will be the last in support of option for a few, it"s clear that they are indeed providing a legitimate service
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But the question that begs to be answered is this: Do payday loan companies offer a legitimate service that people actually need or is it merely preying upon people who have nowhere left to show for credit options?Generally speaking, a payday loan place charges roughly $15-20 on every $100 you borrow and asks that the money be repaid by 50 percent weeks or less